Outfitter Satellite Blog

Our blog will help you understand our satellite communication devices and their potentially life-saving key features.

Let us help you decide whether renting or purchasing a satellite phone is right for you.

No matter what you're into, satellite phones can provide tremendous value in your life. Satellite phones enable you to stay connected regardless of where you like to spend your time. From remote forests in the middle of nowhere to mountaintops across the world, you'll be able to effectively communicate with...

By Guy Arnold Read more
Make use of global voice and data communication anywhere with the Iridium Extreme satellite phone.

7 Reasons to Choose the Iridium Extreme® Satellite Phone: Iridium has global coverage because it uses a large network of low earth orbit satellites. This assures a satellite with a high look angle can peer down into almost every deep mountain valley. If you are travelling in the polar regions,...

By Guy Arnold Read more
Find out which of our rental products are most popular with customers.

  Satellite phone rentals are an excellent way to stay connected no matter what happens or no matter what you are in the world. Whether you are on a boat in the middle of the ocean or scaling mountaintops in foreign countries, a satellite phone can keep you connected and...

By Guy Arnold Read more
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