Outfitter Satellite Blog

Our blog will help you understand our satellite communication devices and their potentially life-saving key features.

So you've made the decision to order an Iridium Extreme® Satellite Phone. That's a great decision because the Iridium Extreme® is one of the best satellite phones available on the market today. But what makes Outfitter Satellite Phones the best place to get your Iridium Extreme® from? Find out below,...

By Guy Arnold Read more

At Outfitter Satellite Phones, we make it easy to get the Iridium® Satellite Phone you need — but there is one question to answer. Is it better for you to buy or rent? In today's post, we're sharing everything you need to know in order to make the right decision....

By Guy Arnold Read more

Inmarsat is accelerating the introduction of the Inmarsat-6 F1 satellite across the East Asia and Pacific region. This will require BGAN Fixed Land Terminals to be repointed to ensure service continuity during the time frame of July 20, 2023 through August 18, 2023 (see instructions below). Inmarsat target dates and...

By Guy Arnold Read more
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