Outfitter Satellite Blog

Our blog will help you understand our satellite communication devices and their potentially life-saving key features.

Discover how the ultra-portable Iridium GO! hotspot keeps you reliably in touch from anywhere.

  Outfitter Satellite Phones helps you stay connected on all your great outdoor adventures. With a wide range of satellite phones, satellite internet terminals, personal satellite messengers, and more, our mission is to ensure that people have the solutions they need to stay safe no matter where they are. That's...

By Guy Arnold Read more
Find out why the Iridium PTT could be the ideal handset for you.

Iridium® Push-to-Talk or PTT provides instant group-wide communications to workers operating in remote locations and globally beyond the reach of conventional land mobile radios. If you're considering an Iridium Extreme® PTT Satellite Phone, here are a few things you should know. Iridium® Push-to-Talk The Iridium Extreme® PTT Satellite Phone uses...

By Guy Arnold Read more
The Bivy Stick is a small, compact, satellite communication device with many features. We highlight the lesser-known capabilities of this device.

Searching for a small ultralight two-way satellite text communication device? The Bivy® Stick is hard to beat! Below we're sharing a few things you should know about this awesome satellite communicator, so keep reading to learn more or shop Outfitter Satellite to buy or rent a Bivy® Stick of your...

By Guy Arnold Read more
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